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Snow Day

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There is nothing more fun than a winter escape!  Young or old, sliding down an icy slope completely out of control is always fun.   Landon couldn’t get enough of eating the snow. He really wanted to experience it will ALL his senses. 😉 Now that Landon is 3 he was ready to sled on his own.  Seeing his playful spirit and pure joy made it so rewarding for us. Read More

Trick or Treat

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Here are the pics from Landon’s first trick or treat.  He attended his first Halloween party at school and participated in a costume parade. Halloween morning he spent with Grandma and Grandpa and made festive cupcakes.  We trick or treated in our neighborhood in the evening and it was so much fun. Landon walked up to all the houses, even the spooky ones, and happily collected his candy.

Itsy Bitsy Spider

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Landon started singing the whole Itsy Bitsy spider song on his own from memory!  He became very camera curious and we couldn’t get him to do it fully on his own again.  His little voice is super raspy and his nose is stuffy from the evil daycare flu.  He is feeling much better though.  Landon wanted to send this sweet little song to his Mimi so we sent it to her to brighten her day.  Technology can be a beautiful thing.

Turn up your volume!

Happy Spring part 2

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A few cute pictures by Photos by Rhonda