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25 Weeks-Baby Shower Week!

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We are so excited to have family coming this week to celebrate baby.  Baby is the weight of a rutabaga, about 1 1/2 pounds and 13 1/2 inches long.  We are so excited for baby to meet the grandparents for the first time.  We received the stroller and car seat this week from Mimi Payne and Aunt Shannon and Kristie.  We are very relieved. Now we will be able to bring baby home from the hospital! :0)

Coming Soon: Baby Shower pictures and the BIG GENDER REVEAL!

24 Weeks-Daddy’s Painting

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Baby is growing quickly.  This week, baby’s length is almost a foot long, (picture an ear of corn) and weighs more than a pound.  Sadly we’ve learned that one of our nursery decorating projects had to be postponed due to a manufacterer delay so it will not be completed in time for family to see.  Shawn decided to tackle his personal baby project instead which is a painting for baby.   We love the way this alphabet painting turned out and the orange color is so bright and fun.