

Month 11

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Time is a thief and it’s stealing our babies. We feel like we just brought Easton bear home and yet here is walking around the house like he owns the place. He’s always making us laugh with his silly personality.  He already knows how to melt our hearts with his handsome smile and scrunchy nose faces. He also knows no matter how much mischief he gets into that smile can save him every time.  We are busy planning his “Wild One” birthday party based on one of our all time favorite children stories Where the Wild Things Are. We certainly do have a wild one on our hands-and he’s perfect that way.

Month 10

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Month 1o was full of exciting firsts for Easton. He’s developing so quickly and it’s so hard to believe that in about 1 month he’ll celebrate his first birthday.
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8 Months

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These posts are getting more and more challenging. This speedy crawler doesn’t stop-not even for a second. He’s got that “I don’t want to take this picture” look on his face.  Read on to see what else we’re up to this month!

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Month 4

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Month four was a busy month! We moved into the new house and finally set up the nursery for Easton.  We think it turned out so cute and wanted to share some photos of his monochromatic decor. Read More

2 Months

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Easton had a massive growth spurt between his first and second month; gaining 2.5 inches in length and 4 lbs.  He’s in the 98th percentile  for height and 93rd percentile for weight.  He smiles and coos often when he’s not snoozing.  He demonstrates his increased strength with tummy time; easily lifting his neck and head off the floor and “airplaning.” His hand-eye coordination and confidence is improving when he bats at hanging toys and hits his target.  You’ll most likely find him snuggled up next to the lighted Christmas tree.  This was mommy’s first week back at work and it was really hard on mommy but Easton smiles so big every time he sees Grandma. It melts our heart.  This month we are looking forward to Christmas as a family of four and a long winter’s nap. 😴🎄