Month 10

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Month 1o was full of exciting firsts for Easton. He’s developing so quickly and it’s so hard to believe that in about 1 month he’ll celebrate his first birthday.
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Big Surf Waterpark

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Celebrating back to school Arizona style with a trip to a local water park. The boys were so excited to experience water slides for the first time! Check out the video for all the action…
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8 Months

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These posts are getting more and more challenging. This speedy crawler doesn’t stop-not even for a second. He’s got that “I don’t want to take this picture” look on his face.  Read on to see what else we’re up to this month!

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Peach Fest at Schnepf Farm

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We spent Mother’s Day morning at the Peach festival. It was quite warm and also in the middle of morning nap time. You’ll see someone in the video who wasn’t too pleased about that!  Kindly a lady on the tractor ride handed over one of her peaches to keep our little peach happy. Enjoy! 🍑