Tumble Time!

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Landon loves snuggling in bed with the family… for about 5 minutes.  After that, he wants to wiggle, squirm, kick, and roll!  He loves to play in bed.  Chloe is always supervising tummy time.

Month 3

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Landon goes to sleep and wakes up bigger!  He’s outgrown all of his his 3 month clothing and is wearing 6 month clothing now.  Talk about a growth spurt!  He is such a happy baby and tries so hard to let out big laughs but nothing comes out.  He loves the silly noises daddy makes with his mouth and  loves when mommy sings The Itsy Bitsy spider in English and Spanish. During the weekdays he visits the grocery store with Grandma and loves to see all the bright colors and shapes in the store.  Landon took his first trip to IKEA this month and had wide eyes the whole time.  He was a great little helper as he patiently waited for daddy to fit an entire office system into the Murano.  This month he is beginning to enjoy books, toys, and his big sis Chloe.  We are looking forward to seeing the Kentucky family for Landon’s baptism.  Just a few more day…;)

New Logo, New Place “LandonPayne.com”

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Babybird.co is now LandonPayne.com.

If you forget and accidentally type Babybird.co, you will automatically be redirected to the new website for the time being; it will expire in a couple of weeks. Please update your bookmarks in your web browser.

My New Logo

The logo was inspired by the first toy mommy bought when she found out I was a boy. It also led to the nursery’s orange & gray color scheme. I hope you enjoy the new look.

Mommy’s Birthday

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We celebrated my 30th Birthday this weekend. We enjoyed the 4 B’s. BBQ, Bocce, Beer, and Baby.  What could be better?