Food Experience – Fruit

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Every Sunday evening we plan a food activity with Landon. Sometimes we cook but other times we experiment with new tastes. This activity has quickly become a favorite time of the week. Last Sunday our food experience was exotic fruits.  Not only do these activities encourage Landon to try new foods but we also only offer him nutritious foods so we can teach him about making healthy food choices. Enjoy!!

Phoenix Children’s Museum

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We are so lucky that Auntie took us as her guests to our wonderful  Phoenix Children’s museum. This place is truly magical! The boys loved the 3 story climbing tunnels where you instantly feel like a “lost boy” from Peter Pan. The  ocean exhibit was a big hit too. They were able to swim through sea weed (pool noodles)  and find a secret place to hide in the coral.  The icing on the cake for Landon was a yummy brunch afterwards at The Corner and a Fractured Prune doughnut for desert. Watch him devour that doughnut but don’t blink or you’ll miss it! 😆
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Mexico Trip

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We took a leisurely road trip to Puerto Penasco, also called Rocky Point, in Sonora Mexico. The tiny coastal town is just a 5 hour drive from our house and a very  beautiful drive through the Sonoran desert. The town is situated on the Sea of Cortez and as you would expect the beach is rocky and filled with shells to collect. Landon swam in the ocean for the first time and truthfully said “I don’t like it” he did however spend hours exploring the tidal pools and digging for crabs every day at low tide. Shawn did a great job to capture these magical moments. Enjoy!!
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Video of Rocky Point

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A little snapshot of our first family trip to Mexico. This was also Landon’s first trip outside the country. Comment below if you have an idea about what his favorite part of the trip was?


Easter Portraits

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Finally found some time to take some Spring photos of our family. Landon was such a doll in his bow tie.  The perfect little gentleman.  I felt like a lucky lady to have these two handsome guys by my side.  Things got a bit silly towards the end of the shoot.  Landon really just wanted everyone see what a daredevil he has become.  We just rolled with it and I think it really captured his personality. Enjoy!
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Peach Blossom Festival

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Spring is here! The very best time of the year. We headed to the farm for scrumptious baked peach cinnamon rolls and the amazing smells of peach blossoms in the air.  It’s truly the best time to live in this beautiful state.  Little cousin Hunter enjoyed his first ride and Landon was all giggles during his first ride on his first roller coaster. Spring festival season has arrived and we intend to make the most of it! Sending warmth and love your way. Mwah!😘
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A look back-year 2

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Look how he has changed!! Truly amazing the transformation from toddler to preschooler. Hope you enjoy the video as much as we did!! Don’t forget to turn up your volume. 😄