Snow Day

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There is nothing more fun than a winter escape!  Young or old, sliding down an icy slope completely out of control is always fun.   Landon couldn’t get enough of eating the snow. He really wanted to experience it will ALL his senses. 😉 Now that Landon is 3 he was ready to sled on his own.  Seeing his playful spirit and pure joy made it so rewarding for us. Read More

Mimi’s House

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Just a few cute pics from Mimi’s back yard.  Even in the dead of the winter there is so much beauty.  It took pleading, begging, bribing and a promise to open one gift early just to get one pic of the grandchildren together but we finally got the shot of them all together.  Can you guess which grand child did not want to take the picture. 😉 Read More

Smothers Park (Day 1)

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Park day!! It doesn’t matter the weather, we have to go to the park when visiting Owensboro.  We are always looking for Turkey’s on the way that like to hang out near Mimi’s house.  Landon shared a special moment with a frog.  😉 Read More